StudyMaster5OOO 1.0

EULA - End User License Agreement

The End User License Agreement, is that the program will not be pirated over any medium, on Internet, stores, or any friendly reselling. People may not resell the program without the permission of the author. Only the author has such right. This program may not be resold in software stores, schools, homes, markets, or other countries. The only right that the user has is to use it on a computer for his own liking. This is a software that can be easily redistributed, however if the person is making money on it, or is attaching and other 3rd party programs to it, that's not allowed. You may not advertise your own content, such as pictures, sounds, music, or anything and redistribute it by your liking. This software is sold or given by the author to the users with a purpose of using it by the customer who buys it. It is not for redistribution by the customer himself or herself. When acquiring this program, the person cannot resell it. Strict laws will enforce the rights of the original author. The customer may not tinker with the program and try to modify it for future money making. It is the same thing as copyright infringement. Modification of the program is just as good as the original program. It is easy to see that this is the start program and no resale of the modified program is allowed. This particular program consists of 10 games, and an Editor program for importing or creating word lists. You may not sell any one of these subprograms in any way. You may not redistribute them separately or together with each other. If the programs are found separately on the internet, a store, or any other location, even in another country, it will be considered an illegal copy. Reproduction is strictly prohibited in any way. The person may not buy and then sell it to somebody on the street. If you acquired this program somehow illegally, it is an illegal copy, and you may only dispose of it, and as a matter of fact, should report to the police. This is a game that helps people study languages by going over grammar and vocabulary. If a company number two is found that sells or redistributes this software, they are doing something illegal, and has to be dealt with. Selling this software after buying it or acquiring is illegal. Selling word lists that you make is allowed, as they are not actually the program itself, but user generated content. Users have to report to the author or the police if they come across a person who sells you this program from a suspicious company. This program may be password protected or serial key protected by the author only. The author is the person who has the actual code of the program. That's how we can distinguish him from the offender. If the program is decompiled, and modified, we can deal with that too. The name of the author's company is WordGames400. This product is called Study Master 5OOO. You may not simply change the name on this program to a different name and resell it. The program is copyright protected. Well, don't start it, we know how to prove whose program it is. Don't simply resell it. People may not give this program for money to other people, or free. It is offense of the law to do that. Companies may not remarket this program for their own benefits. Companies may not add this program to their catalogs, and resell it. You cannot give this program to a store and tell them that it is your program. Copyright infringement is a serious crime that we can deal with. This program is only for sale or redistribution by the author who owns the code. We can prove who is the author by showing the code. If you do happen to get the source code, the original author is the one whose business name is WordGames400, and program name is StudyMaster5OOO. We don't want you to buy it from a company other than this. WordGames400 is the author and sole owner of the program. It is copyright protected for a hundred years, or until the death of the author. WordGames400, a company owns the program. By reading this document you agree to the rules of conduct. If you make another company with this name, that is not allowed. In any case, we know who owns the program. Don't start going down that path. If you just want to convict the author, don't start it. It's easier to prove than you think. Yeah, we may have protected the program by a password, and may be in a funny way, if you just think that the author isn't the author, we will prove you wrong. I guess there are in fact other companies that may want to resell the program. And we will do need to distinguish between them and the real author. Make sure that the company doesn't sound funny. You know there are actual funny names that can lead to believe that the company isn't doing it legally. Well, torrents are definitely illegal. It is illegal to make a torrent out of this program. If you find a torrent, you can report that. Some torrent examples are LimeWire, MicroTorrent, BitTorrent, etc. I guess, the program exists on a file server. The author owns a company name WordGames400, with a program name Study Master 5OOO. The author is the only person who can redistribute this software. The users may only advertise the software, but not redistribute it. You may not for example sell it to a store or another person, or give away for free, if the author doesn't know it. If you do that we will find you. You may not start another company with this name and sell this program. Well, there are ways to determine the actual author. Author knows this program the best. There is a Space Invaders, Match Em Up Game, Crossword Puzzle, Graphics Vera program, Network, Hangman, Word Search, Memory, Scrabble, Duck, and Editor program. We will prove to you that it is our program and not the fake, if you want to take a bet. Redistribution is strictly prohibited. Fake company names are strictly prohibited. Playing with the law system is going to be bad for you. Yes, it is possible to decompile the program, and do whatever you want with it. You might even accuse somebody of selling it, and it might turn out to be the actual author, and that might have been your intention. I can assure you the author is the person who owns the code. And you probably won't get the whole package that distinguishes you from the real author. The author will have the real program. We know who the author is. You are not going to prove that it is your program if you just have the executable, ok? If you want we can get involved. Wrongful accusations are going to be dealt swiftly. This program is not just made for the public, or pirates. Pirating is strictly prohibited. I know you just want to put it a micro torrent. Well, look what happened with Lime Wire, they have a due date in court. It's bad for you to wrongfully accuse the actual author. Double check yourself. If you actually think that this program is sold illegally, do talk to the police and have them confirm this. I guess the author will get some of these activities to deal with. But that's the job of the author. And there may in fact be actual pirates. You know, it's hard to distinguish between the actual author and the pirates sometimes. If you do think that this is a pirated program, ask for a second opinion, and straighten that out. There will be small artifacts that prove who is the author. I guess what you can do is write an e-mail to the author, and try to find him on the Internet. Try all of them. The actual author will come up, and say, yes that's my program, and he will have the code to prove it. The fake authors won't have some artifacts that would prove that it is the real program. You know there are a lot of pirated programs on Internet. And some people just want to accuse the real author. It may be a hassle to deal with all of them. But somebody is going to clean it up. False accusations are also penalized by the law system. So know that. If you actually didn't know, that's why you need to confirm. It's hard to distinguish between fake and real authors occasionally. But we can do it. Fake programs can be proven to be not owned by the faker, if he or she is not the actual author. Penalties can be pretty big. Usually, if there is a second distributor, you can see that that one of them is not legal. May be if you see a torrent of the program it may be the fake. I guess, I don't want people asking me 'where did you get this program?'. We got this program from our company. We made it. It's for studying words. We hate to see people asking us this. So if you are in doubt, or just want to set things right, think a little, contact the author, and the police, we will straighten it out, by figuring out where on Internet this is happening. It's probably difficult to determine if the author is real. However obvious stories like, 'Here is a program and it's password' obviously lead to fake authors. Fake authors will definitely exist in the future. Our company will deal with them. Don't worry about it. We will immediately see that our sales are going down because of piracy. And we will try to take the appropriate action ourselves. Normal users don't need to worry about it. It's a high stakes game, and if somebody else starts to make more money on the program, it will be clearly visible on our spreadsheets. We will definitely find them, and we will talk to the police. Customer, don't get involved. Program is made in C# for people to use on Windows 7, 8, and 10. It's not going to run on Macintosh or Linux. It's is an educational program, I don't know why you would want to steal from a company like ours. And don't be a false witness. I mean, why do you want to accuse the actual author of redistributing his own program? It's his program, he made it. If you see something funny, try to contact whoever you think is the author. And don't ask him questions, like 'prove that it's your program.' The purpose of the program was so that you like to study word lists, on a computer. And a computer here is another tool that you can use to your purpose of studying words or grammar. Ideally, you should make your own wordlists. You can use wiki pages to get proper grammar sources, vocabulary lists on internet for studying. You can get these things anywhere. So you just think of a word list and put it into the program to study. This program is pretty good in terms of repetition. If you keep using it, you will definitely learn your word lists. We can guarantee you that you will appreciate the time that you spent on studying with the program. It's actually a very good multi-purpose tool. You just plug in the words and come back to them typically daily. There is an Access Runtime that comes with this program. You can install it and you will have more options where you can put your words in. Actually, you can open the Access Runtime databases by themselves, not in the program. Although it's very nice to see them inside the main program. Access Runtime version is 2007. It's 60 megabytes. You can download Bible for the program and study it. That's another thing that you can do. I don't know, I haven't actually tried a dictionary with 100 thousand words, but in the Bible there are 32 thousand verses, and that's not so little. The program works just fine with 32 thousand records like that. So I guess you can in fact plug in a dictionary. If you find it. But typically, people study vocabulary. Usually, in a vocabulary list of all encompassing terms there are 5000 words. For example SAT words, you can study them, and you will see those words in business journals and magazines. You can study foreign word forms, and grammar rules. Math rules, may be if you can put them in a memorize-able format. You probably won't learn the language that you are trying to learn right away. You might start talking it after several years only. But you should also practice it regularly, somewhere. It's not just about memorizing words. You should review words regularly to ensure that they stick in your head. If you started another language, don't stop reviewing the old one, otherwise you will just forget it. You know... It gets out of your head without practice. Ideally, you want to visit the country that you learn the language for, sometime. But that's not needed so much. The only reason you want to do that is only to get an exposure. We don't think that you need to live in that country for that purpose. You might think, why would you want to study Spanish, if are in USA? All interpreters already speak Spanish much better than you will. Well, it's a double edged sword. It cuts back, too. So that's why we would recommend studying foreign languages like that, too. Or sometime you would want to improve English, if you are a foreigner to the United States. That's another possible purpose of the program. You would want to download SAT or GRE words on the internet. Or get synonyms somewhere. Those words are pretty useful in English as well. There is actually an SAT 5000 word list on the internet. That's why we named the program with that number. And it just sounds interesting to have a number. Well, that's why people might think that the program is a scam. I guess it's too late to change the name, now. You can get started with a language easily with this program. At first the words won't make sense. But you will open one sub program, then another, and just keep exploring your word lists. That's when you are learning them. You might not think that you are not doing anything, when in fact you are studying them. Make sure you come to a certain understanding point of the list. Don't leave it in a state where you have memorized, but there is still room to go. You have to know them at confident level. After that you can start the next one. With English, for example you might see a lot of words that you know. And you would want to pick out the words that you think should be studied in depth. You don't learn all languages the same. Some of them need more studying, and others need less. You probably won't learn Spanish to the same degree as you would learn English. Just because there are a lot of word forms in it. But you can learn it to a level where you can speak it. That's the level you want. I don't think English needs to be studied to a big depth either... Unless you want to be a writer you don't need so many words. People actually won't understand you if you use so much of educated vocabulary. So don't do it to a big degree in that manner. We think you will like this program if you want to study many different languages, though. It's good for studying grammar and vocabulary. We just want to use an extra tool to help along the way: the computer. It's more interesting to use something other than flashcards when studying words. Usually people use flashcards. But something extra is probably just fun to use. Some people say that you cannot finish learning a language. And they are right, so decide when you want to stop and stop there. Many people just learn the grammar, and don't actually speak the language. It's a good exercise to see what other languages and disciplines of thought are. It's good to know other cultures. I don't know if you think words are fun, they are just words... In any case, you can give this program at your house to your family and see how good the language of your children will become. There are educational games out there. This is one of them. This particular educational game, teaches words, or may be grammar. All you have to do is come back to the program from time to time, and you will be reviewing the material. Schools might be interested in this program as well, since it's an educational program. We think that it's just nice to have for yourself. Memorization doesn't always pay off in a way that you think. So, choose a language with a purpose. If you are planning to go to Mexico, to live there, or just visiting, I would study Spanish. Well, the program is actually not very good hieroglyphic languages, like Chinese or Japanese. We made it for Latin letter languages. Those are English, Italian, German, Spanish, and French. You can in fact study derivatives of them with this program. We would recommend not just studying words, but also things relevant to the culture of the country of the language. Culture is important as well. People won't understand you if you just know the words, and not the customs. And only because you don't know the customs. You see it's not only the language. Language evolved with the culture. And it's best to just know that kind of stuff. Natives of a country probably do speak their language better than you. You would need around twenty years to get to their level of speaking. But usually, after three or four years you are often done with some language's grammar. You don't need to study the whole thing. The words are a shortcut. All you need is a few key words from conversation. And to get that you need to practice speaking a little. After that you will see that you need particularly those words, and you would just study them. You just need a subset of words. English has six hundred thousand definitions for example, and only 140 thousand words. Languages are different. But after some time you will see that you are getting used to the language and start speaking it. Again, we want to emphasize that practice is the key. Depending on how often you practice, you can learn a language in a different amount of time. Depending on how much time you devote to it... You can also look at popular blogs, for any pictures of the basic vocabulary. That's also helpful. Try various sources. The more sources you try the better the result will be. Vocabulary learning can be fun. If you use big vocabulary, your coworkers and friends will hold a better opinion about you. You will understand more things from newspapers as well. Language is often the key to understanding all other sciences and math. Typically, you should start studying a language at a young age, but late starters can be successful, too. Unless you want to learn English and you haven't heard it till you are forty years old. That will be difficult to study. People who speak several languages usually don't have an exposure to all of them at a young age. No, not possible if you think about it. So sometimes, you can just go against common thought. But please do start if you think it will help you. Spanish is going to be helpful to you live in USA, Los Angeles. Sometimes people want to learn a language only because they live close to that country. Other people have a purpose in mind. Whatever your reason, it will be a benefit to you. Actually, reading is helpful. You can just read a literature book. Even without understanding it. It might be a lot of jumbled up words, though. Some words will stick in your head. Usually, reading is another approach that you can take other than memorizing words separately. In USA, people sometimes memorize words, and spelling. In other countries they say you should read books more. And that's what we think. Reading is another thing that you should do. Not all books needed to be read. You want to find popular authors. And take words from them. Many books are just a set of conversational words that are not used in big circles. I guess you determine what level you need and study for that amount. Certainly don't try to learn all words. That would be a waste of time, since you are not the native. You are probably good at something else. May be Math, or science. Well, we hope you enjoyed this conversation, and happy studying! We think you will enjoy this program and like it. Not because it is another tool for studying, but because you get a benefit out of it. You will like that you have acquired this program, and spent time on it. You will understand business magazines, and people will hold a good opinion about you. You will see some words clearer than other people can. The program is useful for that manner, and provides a good starting point for language.


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Updated At: 2024-04-22
Publisher: WordGames400
Operating System: windows
License Type: Free